Whistleblowing Channel

The company puts at the disposal of all the employees, public employees, self-employed, subcontractors and suppliers, customers, former employees, trainees, employees in training and participants in selection or pre-contractual negotiation processes, all the necessary means so that, if they detect any action or omission that may constitute breaches of European Union Law, serious or very serious criminal or administrative offences or violations or well-founded suspicions of relevant violations of the company’s internal regulations and of the basic principles conveyed by the Code of Ethics, they could report it, provided that they have become aware of the information about the offence in a work or professional context.

For example, a possible situation of work harassment, actions relating to fraud, insider trading or any action taken by a third party that could entail any kind of criminal liability for the company. Any known unlawful conduct must be reported through this channel.

This is a Whistleblowing Channel that is partially outsourced to a platform created for this purpose by a leading company. When submitting communications through the Whistleblowing Channel, the whistleblower can choose to identify him/herself or remain anonymous, thus guaranteeing confidentiality.

Additionally, the Whistleblowing Channel management model incorporates a series of measures to protect the whistleblower, even against retaliation, that go beyond allowing anonymous whistleblowing in accordance with the aforementioned.

In compliance with Law 2/2023, of 20th February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption, the data requested from the informant during the process of submitting the complaints are not collected for the purpose of identifying the informant, but only for the sole purpose of obtaining the appropriate information to enable the complaint to be managed and processed.

For the investigation of the communications received, it will be necessary for the informant to provide sufficient information and for the complaint to be duly founded, motivated and present rational indications that an infringement has taken place. Otherwise, the case will be closed because there is insufficient evidence to investigate it.

Finally, before filing a complaint, it is important that you carefully read the rules of use of the channel, which will be presented to you before you provide the information related to the complaint.

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